
Dad, Be A Superhero

2024-09-10T21:40:20+00:00June 28th, 2024|Categories: Baby, Brain, Creative, Early Development, Literacy|

Dad, you can help to build a strong brain for your baby and toddler. When you interact directly with your child to talk and play, you actually build billions of neuron connections in your baby’s brain. You really are “Superman” for your baby because you are the trusted hero that helps your baby grow a [...]

Hey Dad! You Hold Super Powers for Helping Your Baby to Build a Super Strong Brain for Life

2024-09-10T21:42:43+00:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: Baby, Brain, Early Development, IQ|

DAD… Today’s the day we celebrate all that you do, all the roles you play, and all the love and care you give to your family. You are truly a SUPERHERO by every measure. Of all the important roles you play in your child’s life, did you know you have another SUPERHERO ability you may [...]

Books for Black History Month – 2024

2024-09-10T21:42:04+00:00February 1st, 2024|Categories: Baby, Brain, Early Development, Literacy|

February is such a celebratory month… Especially because it’s Black History Month! Did you know there are a number of wonderful books for children that celebrate and honor babies born as a beautiful Black child? What a perfect time to discover some of those books to read to your little ones every day. Check out [...]

Books for Black History Month

2023-02-22T20:52:38+00:00February 15th, 2023|Categories: Brain, Literacy|

February is Black History Month. More than a date on the calendar, this is an opportunity to seek out the stories of our past that shape our culture, and become active participants in creating our cultural narrative. Black history is American history. February is the month that we are reminded to recognize and integrate our rich [...]

Five Activities to Help your Newborn Build a Stronger Brain

2023-06-08T15:35:14+00:00June 8th, 2023|Categories: Brain, Literacy|

Interacting with your child is a great way to bond, and help to build your child’s brain. In the first three years of life, the child is building billions of neurons which help the child have a better life. The specific ways we interact with our children can have a profound effect on their cognitive [...]

This Holiday, Give a Child a Billion Neurons

2023-02-22T20:52:47+00:00December 24th, 2022|Categories: Brain|

The holidays offer a special opportunity to develop a child’s brain. A child’s brain is more than 80% developed by the time they are three years old. This is proven by science. From birth to three years old, billions of neuron connections are made in your child’s brain. When parent’s and loving, trusted family members [...]

Happy Mother’s Day from Three Key Years

2024-09-10T21:43:51+00:00April 30th, 2021|Categories: Baby, Brain, Literacy|

The bond between a mother and child is immeasurable. In honor of Mother's Day, May 9, 2021, we want to acknowledge and thank all mothers for your unconditional love, care, support and everything you do! Reading to a child in her/his first three years will help her/him to develop a stronger brain. During these Three Key Years, billions [...]

A Golden Opportunity

2020-03-27T19:51:38+00:00March 27th, 2020|Categories: Brain, Early Development|

We are living in challenging, unprecedented times. The hour-to-hour uncertainty of the Covid 19 Pandemic has created stress for families around the globe. We are “Sheltering in Place”, schools have been closed and parents are working from home. In adversity there is creativity and before us there is a golden opportunity for families to share valuable [...]

Tips for Reading Aloud to Your Kids – from a Parent in the Trenches

2024-09-10T21:45:56+00:00October 22nd, 2019|Categories: Baby, Brain, Early Development, Literacy|

New science teaches us how a child’s brain develops billions of neurons from daily positive, loving activities. This phenomenal neuron growth in turn leads to a strong brain for life. This new science is the key focus of what we share with you here at Talking, reading, playing, counting, and singing appear as simple, fun [...]

The Most Important Number in America is Learning Readiness at Age Four

2023-01-26T20:04:13+00:00August 26th, 2019|Categories: Baby, Brain, Early Development|

The Institute for InterGroup Understanding has maintained an ongoing campaign to raise awareness about early brain development and what parents, teachers, and communities can do to promote neural connectivity in children’s brains.  Outlined below are the key points from the full length article. Children Need to be Learning Ready by Age Four Parents, teachers and communities [...]

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