Skin to Skin Contact is a Wonderful, Powerful Gift
The new brain science teaches us how important skin to skin contact is for your child from the moment they’re born. While it seems a simple, loving connection to the surface of your baby’s skin, this skin to skin contact stimulates powerful neuron growth and connectivity for a baby’s brain with each direct, physical interaction. Billions of neuron connections happen with these loving activities. That neuron growth is directly responsible for the strength of your baby’s brain for their lifetime.
- Nuzzle your child at every opportunity, whether it’s at naptime, playtime, or quiet time reading a book.
- If you can find the time, carry your baby in a sling or front carrier on walks or as you go about your daily routine. Apart from a wonderful bonding opportunity, this also provides the chance to take their hands into yours or nuzzle their heads at various times throughout your day.
- A Psychology Today article titled “More Proof that Skin to Skin Contact Benefits Babies’ Brains” provides a terrific understanding of how greatly this impacts a baby’s wellbeing and development. Not too mention the wellbeing of you, the parent, as well.