Three Core Concepts in Early Development
Three Core Concepts in Early Development CENTER ON THE DEVELOPING CHILD - HARVARD UNIVERSITY Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child, in conjunction with the National Scientific Council on the Developing [...]

Baby’s Brain Begins Now: Conception to Age 3
Baby’s Brain Begins Now: Conception to Age 3 The Urban Child Institute Decades of research provides us clearer understanding into early brain development including the long-term ramifications that environmental factors such [...]

Spread the word that ‘stronger brains’ start developing at birth
With greater frequency, advances in neurological science underscore the critical time period for brain development in the first three years of a child’s life. The neural connections produced from exercising a child’s brain in those first three years [...]

Breastfeeding Could Add $300 Billion Into The Global Economy
Breastfeeding Could Add $300 Billion Into The Global Economy SCIENCE 2.0 NEWS STAFF A comprehensive breastfeeding study conducted by Lancet provides strong correlations for the economic health and wellbeing of [...]

Early Life Nutrition Builds Brain Resilience to Extreme Stress
Early Life Nutrition Builds Brain Resilience to Extreme Stress NUTRAINGREDIENTS.COM - Will Chu Brain and memory impairment caused by stress during early development could be lessened by micronutrient supplements, according to [...]

Extended Breastfeeding Linked to Higher IQ and Income in Study
CNN - Sandee LaMotte “Breast is Best” – the benefits from breastfeeding are innumerable and arguably indisputable. In addition to clear short-term health benefits for babies, studies increasingly demonstrate how breastfeeding [...]
Language Lessons Start in the Womb
New research suggests there is greater understanding and significance to the vocalizations a child hears while in the womb and the influence that plays on the development of their language-building skills. Newborns can recognize [...]

Babies with Involved Fathers Learn Faster
Researchers found, an active male role in the early stages of babies' development produced better performance in cognitive tests by the age of two. They said the signs could be seen from as early as three months. [...]
Brain Development in Infants
Infant brains tend to be far more difficult to understand than adult brains, mostly because infants can't communicate as well as adults. We can’t ask babies what they think or feel, so we rely on behavioral clues and scans that show [...]
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